Auto Sniper
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Last updated
Our Auto Sniper is the best on the market. Trade 8 times faster than on Uniswap.
You can automatically buy tokens as soon as they are listed.
Before going to Auto Sniper you can predefine criteria for sniping in the Sniper Settings.
Specify the smart contract address of the token they intend to purchase.
Sets the amount of Ether to be used for the purchase of the token.
Offers an additional fee to block builders to prioritize your transaction within the network.
Chooses which connected wallets will be used to execute the snipe orders.
And you are set.
Execute purchase orders with set amounts of ETH as defined by you.
Sets various buying parameters and thresholds.
Automatically approves the token for future transactions post-purchase.
Refresh token statistics.
Sells only the initially bought amount of the token.
Executes sell orders across all connected wallets holding the token.
Moves tokens between wallets prior to executing a sale.
Sells a specified percentage of your token holdings.
Sets various selling parameters and thresholds.
Refresh token statistics.
You can check and manage Pending snipes in Main Menu > Pending Snipes.
You can click on the current snipe to edit the settings or to delete the snipe.