Revenue Share
How It Works
When you hold 2,500 or more $FOOT tokens, youβre eligible to receive rewards based on the platformβs revenue. Rewards can be claimed in $FOOT or $ETH.
Minimum Claim
You can only claim your rewards once your accrued amount exceeds 0.1 ETH to keep gas costs manageable.
Solana Rewards
If youβd like to claim in Solana, youβll need to provide a valid Solana wallet address. Solana rewards can only be claimed once they exceed 0.2 SOL.
Reward Forfeiture
Sell/Transfer Limit
If you sell or transfer more than 25,000 $FOOT in one epoch, you will forfeit the rewards for that period.
Minimum Holding Requirement
If your $FOOT holdings fall below 2,500 $FOOT during an epoch, your entire accrued revenue share will be redistributed among other eligible holders.
Claiming Rewards
Sign In
You must sign in with your connected wallet to access and claim your rewards.
Claim Frequency
You can claim multiple times, as long as you have the necessary balance to cover network fees. There are no restrictions on claim intervals.
Reward Calculation
Rewards are calculated using an APR, which is applied over different time frames to provide an estimate of potential earnings. Rewards from Solana and EVM chains are combined to display total value in both $FOOT and USD.
Last updated